Easter Part 3

So tomorrow morning many will be getting up before the sun rises. They will dress their children in their new carefully chosen clothing. The family will look all nice and neat, like they do this every Sunday. Even the ones who do go every Sunday will be dressed in their Easter finest. Everyone will go, pray and worship, it will be a glorious time.

But will we remember the beating? Will we remember how those closest to Him turned their backs on Him? Will we remember that He loved us so much that He laid His life down for us? Will we actually remember what this day is all about?

It took me a long time to actually understand the meaning of Easter. I’m not going to tell no tales, the movie “The Passion of the Christ” really made me understand that day and why we celebrate it.

Every day we can look and see what His death meant for us. We can choose to believe or not believe, we do wrong and He will still stands by our side hoping we will finally choose Him.

It makes me smile just to think about it. Everyday I feel myself growing in with God and His son Jesus. I swear this is a feeling like no other. I know I still have a lot more growing to do but I’m so glad He died on the cross for us so that we all could have a chance to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

My Easer Sunday will be spent with my church family and friends. I will enjoy the day and will send a prayer Gods and Jesus way every chance I get because of their selflessness.

I hope you all remember the real reason for the day and have a blessed one.

Peace and Love,