Happy New Years Eve!!

Can you believe that tomorrow is the first day of 2018? I mean this year has flown by and another year is upon us already. Are you ready?

I try not to be too preachy in my blog post but this time I’m sorry I can’t help it. This morning in Church the message was all about making your first steps into a New Year, and I’m not talking about making resolutions but about having a clear vision of who you want to be. I have never heard it put that way. The crazy thing is I had already been thinking about what goals and visions I had for the new year. Hearing about it confirmed my thinking on the whole matter. Sometimes we get caught up in what I can do for God that is pleasing to him when it’s really what can God do through me…

We should all have a vision for our lives, lack of vision is death. We can’t just aimlessly go through life hoping that the things we dream of will fall into our laps. We have to work hard for them. We have to know how we are going to achieve our visions. We don’t need to think about the difficulties in achieving our visions, we don’t to live in fear about them or listen to those who try and tell us that we can’t achieve what we set out to do. Vision is a very powerful thing. Walt Disney said “If you can dream it, you can do it”.

So for 2018 I am dreaming big. I am going to put all the fear that I have behind because I am scared of a lot of things. I’ve let a lot of that fear hold me back from a lot of things. I have a dream to sing in public without worrying about what everyone is thinking of me, I want to use all of my artistic talents to become a premier t-shirt designer. I want to have a charity where I make homemade cards for nursing homes so that the elderly never feel forgotten on their birthdays or other special occasions. I want to make my youtube channel popular because I want people to see a very imperfect person try to get life right the best that they can.

So I have vision and as the days go by, I’m going to make it clearer on what I’m going to do and how I’m going to do it. I know I can do more that I think I can and more than I can ever imagine. I want to finally live a life full of moments pleasing God and being more stress free. I want to show more love to the people around me and just become a better me.

I hope you have at least thought about what you want out of 2018. Not resolutions but what you want out of it. If you have, go for it. Don’t let anything stop you because it is possible. I wish you all the blessings in the world. I hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year and I will see you in 2018. Don’t forget to start checking out my Youtube channel!

Peace and Love,



I Survived!

I survived Christmas! It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be and I so enjoyed myself being with my family. It was totally amazing.

I have a confession to make. I don’t know how to truly enjoy living without spending money. This was my first Christmas having to do so. I thought it was going to be awful and I just knew I would spend the day in a funk but it was the best ever. I made all my families gifts and every one loved them. It was creative and made me feel really good. Which is inline with the way I want to start my 2018 and my goals for next year. I’m going to become the very best version of myself. I am super excited to start this journey and I hope you guys all come along with me. I will be starting a youtube channel where I’m going to chronicle my journey.

I am not perfect, nor will I ever portray to be. I want you to see what a journey of being your best actually looks like because so many people come to you after they have done the hard work, but they never let you see the process of how hard it can be to get to a good place in life where you finally feel comfortable in your own skin. So I invite you to join me on my new Youtube Channel: https://youtu.be/tLQMW5tV-3k/https://youtu.be/Ee7BWmERPZ8 there will be more videos to come and a lot more to talk about. So bring it on 2018 I am so ready for you.

Peace and Love,


Christmas Eve

I didn’t have the Christmas Spirit this year. I was literally over it. But today I went to church and my whole attitude changed. Sometimes when we live in a world where we are so consumed by how we think things should be and forget that the world isn’t perfect, we tend to lose sight of the important things in life. I’m glad my attitude towards the day changed because I started enjoying the reason for the season so much more. I hope you all had a beautiful Christmas Eve and Christmas day.

Love and Kisses,
