To Overdo  and over Analyze or not

There is something to really learning about yourself….

So I know my personality really, really, really well.  I would now like ordan myself “Queen of Overdo and Analyzation”.  That’s just who I am and the way I like things.  In doing that though I tend to overdo everything. The worst thing I have this with is researching an issue or problem. 

So as everyone should know hubby and I are trying to expand our family.  So because it wasn’t happening fast enough for me I decided to go on fertility pills. That doesn’t sound too bad right? No like I said I over analyze so you know my research of this was done well. Although I knew of the side effects, I could care less.  I just wanted the end result.

Well because I am who I am of couse, I get every side effect they have to the fertility pills. So now I’m sitting here at the hospital because I have leaking cyst on my ovaries.. they hurt and are causing all types of other issues.  Now to be perfectly honest with you, I should have know this could happen even though the probability was less than 10%. Some how I’m always in that group.

This a setback for me, and yes I have been overdoing on the research and over analyzing how this will affect my baby making plans, but I see a lesson in the whole thing. Maybe everything isn’t meant for me to understand, do or figure out…. I’m learning. Slowly, but I’m learning.
Peace and Love,



Giving Back


So we are going to see what I have up my sleeve because I am always doing something!

Well, I very pleased and blessed to say that I am working with a wonderful organization on their back to school fashion show. This is a performing arts program for the city I live in.

I’m using the business savvy and my creative skills to help out. I am very honored.

When working with the founder of the organization is a God send, even though I know her well, it’s truly an honor.

One of the things that I am learning about this world is how people take advantage of people who are wanting to pursue things like this. I’m going to interview her and get the do’s and don’ts of this world and post them.  I hate to see people taken advantage of just because they want to pursue their dreams.

Graphic Design

I’m  in the process of learning how to do this on computer.  Right now my design skills are what I’ve been told are old fashioned.  I love still working with glue, scissors, and construction paper. There is something that I have been noticing about the way graphic designer use the computer and this is something that I am determined to learn…baltimore-500x500 shape-exploration---kenesha-sneed_670 tumblr_np2q9aHI4M1tgsfl0o1_1280

Nice aren’t they?

Peace and Love,


Does lightning really strike twice?

Have you ever done something once and wanted to do it again but because it didn’t turn out too well the first time you are nervous about doing it again?

Well as I’m not afraid to say I’ve been married once.  During my marriage, we renewed our vows somewhere between our 2nd and 3rd year of marriage. Was it a mistake? I can’t really say because truthfully neither of us took it seriously and we were still doing wrong and of course we still ended up divorced.

Now I am married to the man of my dreams, the man that I believe God sent for me. I just had to go through with what I had to do to get to him. God wanted me completely prepared for this marriage in every way. (I still have my ways that aren’t too pretty but God isn’t through with me yet).

Next year 2016 on a beautiful Saturday we will celebrate our five year anniversary.  When we got married neither one of our parents, brothers or sisters where there. We had my family, cousins, but none of his. Now with what I’ve been through should I go through this again? Should I renew my vows, epsecially after what happened to me in my first marriage?

I know this is a different man, a different marriage, and just a different situation period, but I can’t help but to think that the reason we learn lessons is so we can do things differently.

So would you renew you vows? I would love for us to share our love with our families, but is it doing the same thing again?

Peace and Love,
